BruckEdwards, Inc. Selected to Develop Cost Recovery Model for Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) Information Sharing Hub
The IJIS Institute recently selected BruckEdwards, Inc. to develop a Cost Recovery Model on behalf of the IJIS Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PMP) Information Exchange (PMIX) Phase III Hub Pilot Project.
The Committee is working to establish standards to enable the automated exchange of information between disparate state PMP systems.
In support of the Cost Recovery Model effort, BruckEdwards is working closely with members of the PMIX committee to develop a detailed cost model identifying anticipated system and operational costs for the PMIX hub. BruckEdwards is also analyzing alternative cost recovery mechanisms to ensure the long term viability of a state managed system. The model will serve as a valuable tool to enable the committee to identify areas where cost savings can be achieved and to allow states to plan for future budgetary requirements.