Steve Bruck Presents at ASAP 2005 Midyear Industry & Technology Issues Conference, June 17th, 2005

DEA’s Controlled Substance Ordering System(CSOS): Implementation Considerations.

After six years of development, the DEA’s revised regulations for electronically transmitted controlled substance orders became effective on May 30 2005. While the rule is not mandatory, it does establish numerous technical and security requirements that must be met by pharmaceutical purchasers and suppliers looking to realize the benefits of paperless ordering. Steve, the chief architect of the DEA’s system, will discuss the scope of the regulations, their impact on purchasers and suppliers, and the steps that should be taken to ensure that your implementation meets DEA requirements.

Download BruckEdwards’ ASAP Presentation on CSOS


Steve Bruck Presents at the National Criminal Justice Association (NCJA) 2005 National Forum on Policy, Programs, and Technology, August 2nd, 2005